When you are asleep, you might make noises that you don’t hear; that is why you will not hear your teeth grind. Your loved ones would know when you grind your teeth in your sleep, but you would suffer from headaches, jaw pain, and tooth damage. Fortunately, you can control teeth grinding with night guards; these are night guard benefits that improve your dental health.
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What is it, a night guard?
Fortunately, you can stop teeth grinding using a nightguard, a plastic covering that you place over the lower and upper jaw. You will wear the mouthguard when you sleep since most teeth grinding occurs at night when deep asleep. The dental night guards are medical devices that create a barrier between the teeth; when the user starts moving the jaw, the teeth don’t grind against each other.
You can get the night guard from your dentist’s office, a medical accessory that improves your health. The dentist will inspect the teeth, make a plaster cast, and send it to the dental laboratory. The dental laboratory will then mold a guard in the shape of the teeth mouth resulting in a custom-fitted night guard; they would use soft, dual laminate, or hard acrylic materials.
How Does Night Guard Work
A night guard is a barrier between the lower and upper teeth, preventing teeth damage due to grinding and clenching. You can buy a mouth guard for clenching, which holds the jaws in position, preventing jaw problems as the jaw is attached to other facial features. Jaw health problems would affect facial muscles. Thus, the dental night guard effectively fights bruxism and maintains better jaw and teeth health.
Night Guard Benefits

1. Prevents tooth damage
Teeth grinding and clenching damage the teeth as it causes friction between the upper and lower teeth. However, the night guard prevents the teeth from touching while you sleep; it prevents involuntary teeth damage when you move the jaws in your sleep.
Teeth grinding weakens the enamel making the teeth sensitive to extreme temperatures and acidic food. Thus the grinding will impact your nutrition as you would stop eating certain food due to teeth sensitivity. Moreover, if the grinding is severe, it could cause teeth chipping, exposing the inner teeth layers, and predisposing you to root canal problems.
Teeth grinding may cause problems such as overbite as the teeth would move out of place due to excessive grinding. It may also damage pre-existing dental fillings leading to cavities and other oral problems. Thus you should ask your doctor for a mouth guard to keep your teeth in good condition.
2. Reduces Jawline Tension
Bruxism causes involuntary jawline clenching exerting tension on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Incorrect jaw point alignment leads to temporomandibular joint dysfunction, impacting biting and other oral activities.
TMJ manifests through popping jaws when you open the mouth wide, swollen face, painful bite, and jaw locks in place. It causes facial muscle tenderness, affecting the neck and the shoulders, thus reducing life’s quality.
Thus, you would wear a night guard to alleviate jaw tension and pain; the mouthguard is personalized; thus, it prevents TMJ by holding the jaw firmly in position. The medical accessory will reduce the stress on the jaw joints and muscles as you sleep, making the jaw relax.
3. Reduces headaches
Bruxism is associated with headaches; although you would move the jaw and grind the teeth involuntarily, you would experience headaches the next day. The next day, you may be tired as excessive grinding and clenching lead to muscle fatigue. A tight night guard prevents fatigue and headaches.
They hold the teeth in the correct position and relax the jawline, and thus you will feel little stress. The night guard forms a barrier, and you might not experience the friction which sends waves through the jawline and nerves to the brain.
4. Improves your sleep
You wound grind the teeth unconsciously, and you might wake up occasionally at night due to the discomfort associated with grinding. Thus, disrupted sleep leads to insomnia, making it hard to concentrate on other activities during the day.
The mouthguards create comfort during your sleep as they relieve the discomfort associated with teeth clenching and grinding. Thus, it is better to choose customized night guards as they align well in the mouth, reducing stress, thus, promoting better sleep patterns. Your muscles will relax, and in return, you will get stress-free sleep which promotes a better night’s rest.
5. It prevents snoring
Bruxism is associated with sleep apnea, and the first sign of sleep apnea is excessive snoring due to blocked airways. Although snoring would be a bigger issue for your loved ones and does not impact you, it would be better to address the snoring to improve their life.
The clenching jaws create breathing issues, and the inability to breathe well leads to snoring. The customized nightguard keeps the top and bottom jaws in place; separating the jaws improves breathing, allowing a large amount of air to get into the airways; the increased airflow improves breathing and decreases snoring.
6. Night guard save money
Although the customized night guards might be expensive, they save money as long as they save your teeth. They prevent teeth damage due to clenching and grinding, and the damage is gradual, and you won’t notice the dental damage at first, but over time the damage will be adverse.
Thus, it is best to catch the dental damage before it becomes a real problem; you would get the nightguard at the first instance of the teeth grinding and jaw clenching. When you deal with bruxism at the initial stages, you will stop teeth damage, improve your smile, and save money on correcting dental issues.
Types of Night Guard
· The soft night guard
The soft night guard is common and prevents mild teeth grinding, and you can use them in occasional cases. The soft material is comfortable, adaptable, and easy to get used to the guard. Moreover, it is cheap, and it would be practical for young children due to its softness.
Unfortunately, the material is meant for mild teeth grinding, and if you grind the teeth severely at night, you will chew on the material. Moreover, it may not last as expected due to the nature of the material, and their warranties might be six months or less, which shortens their life span. The material would not be a long-term solution for teeth grinders.
· Dual laminate night guards
The dual laminate mouth guards help people with moderate bruxism, and they feel soft on the inside and hard on the outside. The mouth guard handles heaving, clenching, and grinding and lasts longer than the soft mouth guards. This type of guard comes with longer warranties, and you would not worry about replacing the medical accessory frequently.
· Hard night guards
The hard night guards treat severe teeth grinding and TMJ, and they are made of acrylic and are rigid and durable. The medical device will prevent your teeth from shifting due to the excess pressure from grinding, and they have longer warranties.
However, they are thick and uncomfortable for first-time users and may be difficult to sleep in for the first time. You will order these mouthguards from the dentists as you would want to achieve an accurate impression to fit well into the jawline. They may be expensive, but they protect your teeth and reduce headaches.
Tips for Choosing the Right Night Guard
Since the dental night guards are customized medical accessories, the choice will depend on the brand, but it may be better to follow the dentist’s guidance. The ‘one-fits-all’ mouth guard are non-prescription medical accessories, and you can buy them over the counter.
You can buy the ‘boil and bite’ night guard from the chemist, and you would boil it in water and bite into it. The bite will leave teeth impression, and you would use it for protecting the teeth, and it is a common night guard.
You can order a nightguard online, and the company will cast your teeth; however, you would take a cast and send the measurements. The company will send back the fitted night guard piece customized to suit your jawline.
Alternatively, you could make your nightguard at the dentist’s office; the dentist can mold a mouth guard that fits your mouth. The night guards made in the lab are precise and offer the most accurate fit.
What is Bruxism?
Before using a night guard, you may consult your dentist and inform them about the teeth grinding issue; a medical condition called bruxism. The condition makes one move the jaws when they are asleep, leading to teeth grinding and clenching. Teeth grinding occurs unconsciously and might lead to pressure which chips the teeth leading to a crooked smile.
Bruxism is associated with sleep apnea; when the body muscles relax before falling asleep, organs such as the tongue and throat muscles become soft. Thus the tissues on the might block the airflow due to the relaxation resulting in breathing problems.
The brain will think you are about to suffocate, thus telling the jaw to tighten to prevent breathing difficulties. Unfortunately, jawline tightening results in teeth clenching and grinding, which open the airways, promoting proper breathing. Such clenching and grinding impact the teeth’ health, resulting in headaches and fatigue.
Bruxism might be genetic; thus, it is possible to develop if your close relatives have the same issue. You should understand your family health history to deal with bruxism and other dental issues.
Bruxism would occur due to biting misalignment; although you can enjoy mouthguard benefits, it would be better to correct bite misalignment. The misaligned bite leads to TMJ syndrome, breathing problems, and teeth grinding.
Poor health choices might cause bruxism; for instance, smokers and alcoholics will likely experience teeth grinding. Alcohol makes the neck muscles relax, blocking the airway leading to sleep apnea and bruxism. Moreover, drinking caffeinated drinks might contribute to the issue, and it may be better to avoid the drinks when going to better.
Stress and anxiety can lead to uncertainty, leading to a carefree lifestyle contributing to sleep apnea. Stress makes one grind and clench teeth, and it would be better to address the stress to overcome bruxism.
The problem might occur due to sleep problems, and the symptoms would be worse if you have a dry throat, low energy, changing moods, depression, and restless sleep. The sleep therapist might help you overcome sleep disorders and thus deal with bruxism effectively.
Diseases like night terrors, ADHD, epilepsy, gastro reflux, and Parkinson’s contribute to bruxism. Therefore, managing this disease might improve your health outcome and prevent bruxism.
Medications that treat illnesses and lifestyle recreational drugs contribute to bruxism; antidepressants are likely to relax the muscles during sleep leading to sleep apnea and bruxism. Therefore, the bruxism might go away by itself after you stop taking the prescription and recreational medications.
Bruxism might occur in certain people with aggressive personalities; these people will clench and grind their teeth when they fall asleep. Although one might not find treatment for aggression, they should opt for the night guards to keep their teeth in good condition.
Children might develop bruxism more than adults, associated with the developmental stage. Thus, you should buy a night guard for your child as they occasionally clench and grind teeth. However, childhood teeth grinding might improve as one grows.
How to Clean Night Guard
Since the dental night guard contacts the teeth and gums, it can contract oral bacteria and contract germs due to handling hygiene. Without proper cleaning, they would lead to oral issues such as gingivitis; thus, it would be better to clean them thoroughly when you remove them in the morning.
You can use your brush and toothpaste to clean the night guard and rinse it in warm water. The toothpaste will kill some of the oral bacteria attached to the accessory when you sleep. Your dentist might prescribe an appropriate antimicrobial night guard cleaner; you would soak the mouthguard in the solution to get rid of foreign organisms.
You can remove the night guard from the antimicrobial solution and store it in a well-aerated case. However, you would clean the case first and dry it before putting the night guard. Proper night guard case ventilation prevents bacterial growth due to dampness.
Why You Should Buy the Night Guards
You can escape the grind with the night guard, leading to a comfortable sleep and better dental health outcomes. Once you get used to the night guards, they will be so comfortable, and you might never want to sleep without them.
You can buy the best dental night guard from Remi, a manufacturer of customized night guards. They offer a competitive warranty and return policy on their products, and you would access other dental care needs such as teeth whitening.
The Remi night guards have many positive customer reviews, and you would trust them to safeguard your teeth and prevent bruxism. Thus, you can trust Remi products and seek other dental products from their company.
· What if my night guard does not fit?
The issue with ordering a night guard from online experts is the fear that it will not fit. But Remi ensures it provides the perfect night guard which meets your needs. The company would ask for your impression, and they would create a night guard out of the impression leading to an almost perfect night guard. However, if you don’t like how the night guard fits, you can return it as Remi offers a 30-day return guarantee.
· Does night guard prevent bruxism?
No, the night guards only prevent teeth clenching and grinding and prevent dental damage. However, they don’t prevent bruxism, and you would look for treatments like surgery to overcome bruxism.
· Do I need the top and bottom night guard?
If you have severe bruxism, you will use two-night guards to hold the jaws in position and prevent clenching and grinding. However, patients with less severe bruxism can use either a top or bottom night guard to prevent occasional teeth grinding.
· Can Remi night guards come off at night?
The night guards will not come off at night as they are customized to fit the teeth and jawline; however, they might lose due to overuse. You might want to replace worn-out night guards as they might not protect your teeth. After six months, you would need a new night guard, as old night guards can accumulate bacteria and plague, leading to dental issues.
· Is Remi right for you?
Yes, Remi night guard has many benefits, and they prevent teeth grinding; the company offers cheap products as they are reasonably priced.
· Can you use a teeth whitening gel with the night guard?
Teeth whitening is a delicate process, and it needs precision to avoid gum injuries. However, you can use the Remi night guards like cups to hold the whitening gel during the teeth whitening procedure.
Final Thoughts
Although you may not know when you have bruxism, your partner would hear you grind and clench your teeth. Bruxism is an involuntary jaw movement and teeth grinding and will impact the teeth’ health. Thus, it would be better to invest in night guards that act as a barrier between the bottom and top teeth to prevent damage; you can get high-quality night guards from Remi as they are a leading online shop for reasonable dental accessories and solutions.

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